Criminals like to think that they can outsmart the law.
But they are never as clever as they think.
And a Florida woman was arrested after her foolproof plan instantly failed in the worst way.
Florida woman tries to hide her drugs in a not-so-clever manner
Criminals are constantly thinking of sophisticated ways to hide their drugs so law enforcement will not detect them.
Border Patrol agents have found drugs hidden in limes, salsa, hair care products, and even liquid meth in the gas tank of a car.
One Florida woman was a little less clever in her attempt to hide her drugs from the police.
Teryn Acri, a 31-year-old from Melbourne, Florida was the passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over by a Brevard County Sheriff’s Deputy.
The driver of the vehicle consented to have it searched by sheriff’s deputies after telling them there should not be anything illegal in it.
That became a serious problem for Acri.
Sheriff’s deputies found several bags on her including one that had the writing “Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs” on it.
That label may have seemed like a good idea at the time but did not throw off the suspicions of law enforcement.
Acri’s “Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs” was in fact a bag full of drugs.
Sheriff’s deputies found just about everything under the sun in the bag.
It had methamphetamine, needles, Narcan, digital scales, small baggies, cut straws, and other items associated with drugs in it.
The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office mocked Acri on social media.
“The bag was filled with snacks…nah just kidding it was actually drugs, that’s right, she actually had a bag with drugs in it that said on the side ‘Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs’!!” Sheriff Wayne Ivey wrote. “Oftentimes in law enforcement, we say to ourselves ‘you just can’t make this stuff up’ and this case is without question one of those cases!!”
Florida woman is headed back to jail over not a bag full of drugs stunt
Acri had been released from jail 10 days earlier on charges of drug possession, intent to distribute, and possession of drug paraphernalia after she posted a $15,500 bond.
Now, she was arrested for felony possession of methamphetamine with intent to manufacture and distribute, felony amphetamine/methamphetamine trafficking, and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
Acri was sent back to jail with no chance of getting out on bond again.
Sheriff Ivey marveled at the lack of intelligence she exhibited.
“Since Acri apparently forgot what happened to her just the other week, she’s now enjoying another ‘staycation’ at Ivey’s Iron Bar Lodge, on a No Bond status once again,” Ivey wrote. “You know there is a quote that says ‘insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’ and folks let me tell you, this is absolute insanity that we just keep letting these criminals out of jail on ridiculous bonds so they can break more laws!!”
This is not the first time that a criminal has been busted with a “Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs” bag.
Police in Portland, Oregon arrested a criminal with a bag nearly identical to Teryn Acri’s that was filled to the brim with drugs.
This is another instance that proves that criminals are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.