A video of a Hooters waitress revealed one bad decision at a traffic stop

Jan 14, 2025

Some people are willing to do anything to get out of a ticket. 

One Florida woman was willing to pull out all the stops. 

And a video of a Hooters waitress revealed one bad decision at a traffic stop. 

Florida Hooters waitress tries to flirt her way out of a DUI stop

Sophia Ross, 22-years-old, was allegedly driving her White Jeep Wrangler the wrong way down the street while driving on the curb and even stopping at green lights in the Sarasota, Florida area. 

Someone called the police on her after seeing her erratic behavior on the road. 

The Sarasota Police Department found her asleep at the wheel of her Jeep. 

Officers had a hunch she had been drinking that night and asked her to perform a field sobriety test. 

That is when Ross tried to turn on the charm with the police to get out of trouble. 

She told the police she worked at Hooters and was wearing the Hooters sweatshirt. 

The police report said that Ross was stumbling and slurring her words during the encounter. 

A police officer asks her if she was willing to take a field sobriety test. 

 “I’m literally drinking and not gonna drive,” Ross replied. 

The police noted that she was in fact driving. 

 “No, I was not,” Ross protested. 

She claimed that she was going to call AAA for a ride home. 

“I am under the influence, but I did not drive,” Ross claimed. 

Ross finally agreed to take the field sobriety test and that is when she tried to flirt her way out of trouble. 

“Do you want to try this first exercise for me?” the police officer asked.

“I will do anything for you, daddy,” Ross responded. “God damn. You in that suit. I would do f***ing anything for you.”

Hooters waitress makes mistake she will never live down

Ross was growing more desperate as the DUI stop continued so she dialed up another notch. 

“We’re gonna make out here,” Ross said. 

“No we’re not,” the police officer replied. 

The police officer tried to explain the field sobriety test to her. 

“Dude, why are you drunk-testing me?” Ross asked. “You know I’m drunk.”

Ross touched the police officer once and said she “can’t keep her hands off him.”

The police officer pulls out a piece of paper and writes something on it for Ross. 

She asked if the cop had given her his phone number. 

“I want you,” Ross said. “You’re taking me home.”

The cop finally got the field sobriety test going when Ross lifted her sweatshirt to reveal the iconic Hooter’s tank top worn by waitresses at the restaurant. 

Once it became clear that trying to charm that police officer was not going anywhere, she got angry. 

“Bro, don’t be such a f***king nerd, bro,” Ross said. 

The police officer reminded her that his bodycam was recording everything. 

“Anything we do is recorded and anyone can see that,” the police officer said. “Mom, dad, grandma, family.”

The Sarasota Police arrested Ross on suspicion and her blood alcohol level was .330 – more than four times Florida’s legal limit of .08. 

Sophia Ross learned a hard lesson that even a Hooters waitress cannot flirt her way out of trouble.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this story.

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