Florida has become an oasis of freedom under the leadership of Ron DeSantis.
But Democrats are looking to claw back power in the Sunshine State.
And doctors are sounding the alarm on this scary plan Democrats have for Florida.
Doctors warn about Florida’s deceptive abortion constitutional amendment
The biggest political fight in Florida this election season is over a constitutional amendment that would enshrine a right to an abortion in the Florida Constitution.
Globalist billionaire George Soros and out-of-state groups are pouring tens of millions of dollars into Amendment 4, the Right to Abortion Initiative.
Some Florida Doctors are warning that everything is not as it seems with the abortion amendment.
They are warning that the vague language used in it is meant to mask how extreme it is.
Dr. Ana Garcia Iguaran, an OB/GYN, told the Diocese of Venice in Florida that Amendment 4’s wording is intentionally “misleading.”
“The language in the amendment is purposedly misleading as to suggest that it will provide healthcare for pregnant women – anyone can get behind that,” Iguaran said.
“Of course, pregnant women need healthcare!” Iguaran continued. “But that is not what this amendment means or would provide. It would provide unlimited, unrestricted access to abortion, even for young girls, without their parents’ consent. Abortion is not improving anyone’s life, certainly not the baby’s, and not the mother’s.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a heartbeat bill into law last year that banned most abortions after six weeks.
That law and Florida’s parental notification requirement would be wiped out if Amendment 4 passes this November.
Florida abortion measure relies on deception
Amendment 4 uses deceptive poll-tested language designed to maximize its odds of passing.
“No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider,” Amendment 4 states.
But a healthcare provider is undefined.
That could be a left-wing nurse who is willing to approve any abortion in Florida for any reason.
And that loophole opens the door for abortion on demand until the moment of birth.
Dr. Richard Sandler is leading the Florida Physicians Against Amendment 4 group.
“Our stance is to lead a physicians’ voice to help Vote No on Florida and Do No Harm Florida and the governor’s group — to provide a physician’s voice,” Sandler told the Florida Phoenix.
Sandler said that most voters do not support abortion on demand until the moment of birth.
“To me, the most powerful [argument] is abortion until birth, because even the pro-choicers are typically not in favor of that,” Sandler explained. “And certainly, the majority of voters are not in favor of that, that’s clear. But they’re not reading this amendment to realize this is what’s being allowed. It’s not explicitly what’s in there. You have to read between the lines a little bit, which makes it harder to explain, but it’s there.”
That is why Amendment 4 was written that way, to make the sale easier in a conservative-leaning state.
“It’s so brief. It’s so vague. So many terms undefined,” Sandler said. “And there is so much money and deception that is behind it.”
Amendment 4 needs to receive 60% of the vote on the November ballot to pass and polls show it is going to be close.
DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.