George Soros went to war with Ron DeSantis in this big fight for Florida’s future

Oct 28, 2024

Globalist billionaire George Soros has Florida in his crosshairs. 

He wants to fundamentally transform the Sunshine State. 

And George Soros went to war with Ron DeSantis in this big fight for Florida’s future. 

George Soros and Big Labor are spending big to put abortion into the Florida Constitution

The biggest fight over abortion in the country this election is a constitutional amendment in Florida. 

Voters will have Amendment 4 on their ballots in November which would enshrine abortion on demand until the moment of birth in the Florida Constitution. 

Floridians Protecting Freedom is the main group fighting for the passage of Amendment 4 which would wipe out the state’s heartbeat law. 

Globalist billionaire George Soros, Big Labor, and out-of-state special interest groups are pouring tens of millions of dollars to pass the amendment. 

A constitutional amendment needs 60% of voters to approve it for it to pass in Florida. 

Polling shows that it is close to that number. 

A poll from the University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab found that support for Amendment 4 was right at 60%.

“Now, just barely reaching the 60% it needs to pass, it looks like the fate of abortion in Florida will come down to turnout on Election Day,” University of North Florida political science professor Michael Binder told the Tallahassee Democrat.

Floridians Protecting Freedom claims to be a grassroots group made up of concerned citizens. 

But the group is being funded by left-wing special interest money and swamping Pro-Lifers in spending. 

Shadowy Democrat groups bankrolling abortion fight in Florida 

The Tides Foundation has given more than $3 million to Floridians Protecting Freedom since December of last year. 

Globalist billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and Foundation to Promote Open Society are major funders of the Tides Foundation. 

The foundation, based in San Francisco, specializes in mobilizing left-wing voters for ballot initiatives. 

Floridians Protecting Freedom received $11.8 million in October from the New Venture Fund and Hopewell Fund. 

Those funds are run by Washington, D.C.-based Arabella Advisors which raised more than $1 billion for left-wing causes in 2022. 

Because these groups operate as non-profits, they can conceal the identity of their donors in a practice known as “dark money.”

Abortion amendments to the Constitutions of Michigan and Ohio passed with massive funding from these left-wing special interest groups. 

“Florida regularly rejects the dark money D.C. establishment, and unsurprisingly, these groups are spending tens of millions in an attempt to turn Florida into California and buy influence,” a spokesman for a group opposing Amendment 4 told the Daily Caller News Foundation. 

“But no amount of money will convince Floridians that non-doctors should be able to perform abortions up until the moment of birth, that a child can undergo an abortion without parental consent, or that taxpayers should pay for abortions, which Amendment 4 would allow,” the spokesman added. 

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has given more than $1 million to Floridians Protecting Freedom from local unions based in New York, Connecticut, and Washington, D.C. 

Soros and his family have given more than $5 million to the pro-abortion effort in Florida. 

The Left is hoping to put abortion into Florida’s Constitution by overwhelming its opposition in spending.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this story.

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