Obama officials are worried sick about Florida causing one awful problem for Democrats

Jan 30, 2025

Democrats are up to their ears in the problems since the election. 

The party is facing a grim future. 

And Obama officials are worried sick about Florida causing one awful problem for Democrats. 

Obama officials worry about red states gaining population ahead of next census 

Red states have been the big winners coming out of the pandemic. 

Americans are voting with their feet to relocate to places like Florida and Texas. 

California and New York are suffering historic population losses as their residents flee for a better life elsewhere. 

That has major implications for the future of politics if these trends continue. 

The Brennan Center for Justice found that Florida and Texas will each gain four Congressional seats, and four Electoral Votes each, after the 2030 census if these numbers hold. 

California would lose four Congressional seats and New York would lose two. 

The shift in population from blue to red states could create a scenario in the 2032 Election where a Republican Presidential candidate would not need to win one of the Rust Belt battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania to take the White House.

Republicans would just need to hold the rest of the states that President Donald Trump won in the 2024 Election. 

Former Obama officials Dan Pfeiffer and Jon Favreau warned that Democrats had “massive work” to do with a potential shift in Electoral Votes to red states looming on their podcast Pod Save America

“What I worry about in some of the responses to date is that we . . . remain unwilling to truly reckon with this election,” Pfeiffer said. “We can tell ourselves a story that the election was closer than the voters would — sort of, the narrative and that is true in one sense.”

He fretted over Trump’s gains with what used to be key parts of the Democrat coalition. 

“But it’s also true, and more importantly, that we have bled massively with the most core parts of our coalition — Latino voters, black voters, young people — and that is an ongoing trend,” Pfeiffer explained. “If you take a look at the Latino numbers, it’s massive over the last four years.”

Trump’s victory last year was powered in part by the inroads he made with Hispanic, black, and young voters. 

The Democrats’ depressing future 

Pfeiffer said that Democrats needed to change how they communicate with voters. 

“What we want to do is kind of get lucky,” Pfeiffer stated. “And that, we’re going to survive this period and then Trump’s going to be unpopular. It’s kind of an election, maybe we can win it, kind of like we won 2020.”

He warned the future looked grim for Democrats. 

“But that doesn’t solve our bigger problem. I don’t even want to depress people, but take a look at what the 2032 electoral map’s going to look like,” Pfeiffer added. “And once you do that, you’re going to realize that we have massive work to do to reconfigure our coalition.”

Pfeiffer did not think enough Democrats were willing to ask the tough questions about how to turn things around. 

“When you say the 2032 electoral map, you mean that some of the blue states could lose electoral votes because of the new census by then because blue states are losing people to red states,” Favreau replied. 

The population growth in Florida, Texas, and other red states is becoming an existential crisis for Democrats. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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