Ron DeSantis just dropped a major truth bomb revealing the most dangerous part of Florida’s abortion amendment 

Oct 28, 2024

Pro-abortion activists from all around the country are dropping millions into Florida hoping to codify abortion.

And Democrats are desperate to keep the horrific details of Florida’s Amendment 4 a secret. 

But now Ron DeSantis just dropped a major truth bomb revealing the most dangerous part of Florida’s abortion amendment.

Democrats hide the details

Pro-abortion activists are still fuming about Ron DeSantis signing the Heartbeat Act into law.

They vowed to get revenge and put the most radical pro-abortion amendment on the ballot Florida has ever seen.

To sell it to Floridians, they tout it as “reproductive health” and “keeping women safe.”

But Florida’s Amendment 4 does just the opposite.

It is so extreme it allows abortions to occur during all nine months of a mother’s pregnancy.


But besides allowing fully grown babies to be slaughtered, their amendment snuck in other provisions that will send shivers down your spine.

Ron DeSantis sounds the alarm 

Speaking with Laura Ingraham on Fox News, Ron DeSantis stated how support for Amendment 4 is radically declining once voters are learning how it is written.

The amendment would make it legal for healthcare providers to perform abortions, eliminating the need for a licensed physician.

With so many botched abortions already taking place under licensed physicians, one cannot even imagine how much more dangerous it could be for women if non-doctors start killing babies!

In addition, the law makes it so minor teens can get abortions without parental consent.

“It is basically a proposal of abortion all the way up until birth, for virtually any reason,” DeSantis said.

That alone should be enough.

But Amendment 4 is so bad it has other dark loopholes Democrats tried to hide.

DeSantis continued “It eliminates parental consent for minors. So in Florida, if you want to prescribe a minor Tylenol, you gotta get parent consent – but somehow they are going to take abortion out of that and a parent will not be able to have the decision about their own child,” Fox News reported.

Liberals would require parental notification to prescribe Tylenol, yet allow underage children to abort their babies without parental consent.

Absolute madness, and further proof the Left is willing to use children as pawns in their pro-abortion game.

It is barbaric.

But the final kicker is the danger women face should this go through. 

“But then something that is probably more radical than even what California has done. They replaced the requirement that a physician be the one performing the abortion with the term “healthcare provider,” DeSantis warned. 

“A healthcare provider is not the same as a licensed physician. So you will actually have very dangerous situations where non-licensed physicians are greenlighting and performing late-term abortions. This is an easy No,” DeSantis concluded. 

A life-or-death vote

If Amendment 4 passes, babies in the Sunshine State will be slaughtered without mercy while pregnant moms face a very real threat of bodily injury.

But of course, Democrats do not want to talk about “those things,” so they continue to use scare tactics on why women should vote to codify abortion.

Time is running out and those who know the truth of this dirty amendment need to shout it from the rooftops. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

To help spread the word about how Ron DeSantis dropped a major truth bomb revealing the most dangerous part of Florida’s abortion amendment, please take a moment to forward this article to your family and friends.

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