Ron DeSantis was selected to speak at the largest Pro-Life gathering in America

Jan 16, 2025

Ron DeSantis is a Pro-Life hero. 

And in just a few weeks, he will get the national recognition and spotlight he deserves. 

But the abortion lobby was furious to learn Ron DeSantis was selected to speak at the largest Pro-Life gathering in America. 

Ron DeSantis saved countless lives 

When other “Pro-Life” leaders said it could not be done, Ron DeSantis did it.

He signed the Heartbeat Act into law, preventing abortion at a detectable heartbeat.

Countless unborn lives have been saved and will continue to be saved thanks to Ron DeSantis.

Anti-life activists tried to get the Heartbeat Act struck down, but they were defeated.

Multiple times.

They tried again last November to convince Floridians to vote on a constitutional amendment that would codify abortion into Florida’s state constitution.

But Ron DeSantis ran a fierce campaign, educating Floridians on the horrors of what the abortion amendment would do.

And yet again, thanks to Ron DeSantis the abortion amendment failed.

George Soros and his leftist pals were furious Ron DeSantis won again, and all their money and lies could not propel the Left to victory.

Despite everything anti-life activists put into Florida, they were no match for DeSantis’ resilience. 

Florida is living proof that a conservative can get elected on a Pro-Life platform and be successful.

While RINOS insist that Republicans must “compromise” to win, DeSantis wrote the blueprint on how to run on principle while still being effective.

And now, he has got the national stage to spotlight his achievements.

Rallying up the Pro-Life base

Pro-Lifers from all around the country will gather in Washington D.C. to participate in the March for Life.

Conservatives know that overturning Roe v. Wade was just the beginning.

And until every baby is safe from abortion, conservatives will March through Washington D.C. (and all around the country) to continue to speak out for those who cannot yet speak for themselves.

Of course, it takes more than marching to defeat bad policies.

But many Pro-Lifers use the March for Life as an opportunity to connect with other Pro-Life advocates to join forces and fight for life.

And this year, Ron DeSantis will speak at the rally.

By giving Ron DeSantis the national stage to talk about all he has done for life, DeSantis is bound to motivate his base to keep fighting.

And liberals are terrified.

Democrats want DeSantis gone

The abortion lobby and liberal Democrats cannot stand Ron DeSantis.

Every single time they have tried to beat him, they’ve lost.

DeSantis has stood up to woke officials in Florida and shut down all their plots, from forcing schools to accept “transgender” policies to attempting to make abortion legal forever.

Democrats are nervous that yet again Ron DeSantis will have the opportunity to motivate Pro-Life activists gathered all in one place.

They wish DeSantis would simply retire or go away.

But he will not.

DeSantis is in it for the long game, and his political future is far from over.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

To help spread the word about how Ron DeSantis was selected to speak at the largest Pro-Life gathering in America, please take a moment to forward this article to your family and friends.

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