Woke Florida college students raged after a law was introduced to stop this awful scam

Dec 17, 2024

The party is coming to an end on college campuses. 

Left-wing excess is not going to be tolerated anymore. 

And woke Florida college students raged after a law was introduced to stop this awful scam. 

Illegal aliens are being given in-state tuition in many states 

Former President Barack Obama issued an illegal executive order that created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012. 

DACA allowed some illegal aliens who were brought to the United States when they were under the age of 16 to be shielded from deportation and given work permits. 

This was an illegal scheme to set the DACA recipients up for amnesty down the line. 

Obama bypassed Congress to give illegal aliens protected status without legal authorization. 

A federal judge ruled that DACA was “created in violation of the law” and “illegally implemented.”

The legal battle is still playing out over DACA but the Left tries to treat these illegal aliens as if they are full-fledged American citizens.

DACA recipients qualify for in-state tuition for public colleges and universities in 25 states. 

Only Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina have laws on the books that prohibit illegal aliens from receiving in-state college tuition. 

Florida introduces a bill to stop illegal aliens from getting in-state tuition 

Florida State Senator Randy Fine (R-FL) introduced a bill in the State Legislature that would require DACA recipients to pay out-of-state tuition at the Sunshine State’s public colleges and universities. 

Giving DACA recipients in-state tuition costs Florida $45 million every year according to Fine. 

Florida has the lowest in-state tuition of any state in the country. 

U.S. News & World Report listed the in-state tuition for the University of Florida as $6,381 per year compared to $28,658 a year for out-of-state students. 

The bill would apply to the 12 public universities and 28 public colleges in the state. 

“While blue-collar Floridians are struggling to make ends meet, it is not fair to require them to pay $45 million a year to subsidize sweetheart deals for college degrees to those who should not even be here,” Fine said. 

“This is a no-brainer way to reduce the size of government and free up resources to help Floridians in need,” Fine added. “We must put Floridians first, and I am proud to do my part to rebalance the scales for our citizens.”

Similar attempts to ban DACA recipients from in-state tuition in the past have not passed but the political winds could be shifting. 

DACA recipient Maria Tinoco, who graduated from Florida International University, was upset that illegal aliens could be losing in-state tuition. 

“I feel like everybody has dreams, and I– like we don’t want to take anything away from anyone,” Tinoco said. “We just want the opportunity to kind of like pursue and achieve those dreams just like anyone else.”

Fine pointed out that putting Americans behind illegal aliens was unfair. 

“It’s just not fair to tell someone from Georgia, who lives across the border, if they want to come to a Florida university, they have to pay three times as much as someone who came here illegally,” Fine said. 

State Representative Anna Eskamani (D-FL) was worried the bill could have momentum after President-elect Donald Trump’s win. 

“I am concerned this policy may have legs this year,” Eskamani said.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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