Ron DeSantis is going to make one game-changing move that will shake up college

Apr 4, 2024

The higher education system in the country is fundamentally broken.

It is plagued with soaring costs and wokeness masquerading as education.

Now Ron DeSantis is going to make one game-changing move that will shake up college.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been trying to reform higher education in the Sunshine State by removing woke nonsense for colleges and universities.

Left-wing indoctrination is only one of the challenges facing students seeking a college degree.

The cost of college has exploded because of government-subsidized student loans and extras like luxury dorms, multimillion-dollar gyms, and student activity centers.

Now, the Florida Governor is launching a plan to make college affordable for students nationwide.

Florida launching low-cost online college degree program for the nation

DeSantis is expected to sign a bill that could potentially revolutionize college for the entire country.

A bill passed by the Florida legislature would offer online bachelor’s and associate degrees that would cost no more than $7,000 per year and would be open to anyone in the country.

Normally, colleges jack up the tuition that they charge out-of-state residents to rake in more money.

Under the program, a student could potentially complete a bachelor’s degree for $28,000.

Yale University and other elite private colleges in the northeast are now charging more than $90,000 per year.

And the University of Virginia charges more than $19,000 in tuition for in-state residents.

Florida’s online degree program being capped at $7,000 per year would mean that low-income students receiving federal Pell Grants could receive a college education free of charge.

The colleges participating in the program will offer practical degrees like nursing and business administration that will lead to careers instead of gender studies.

More degrees will become available as the program expands.

Miami Dade College, Polk State College, and Tallahassee Community College are the first schools to take part in the program, but it is eventually expected to expand to all the state’s colleges and universities.

Free market will drive down college costs

Foundation for Government Accountability CEO, Tarren Bragdon, wrote in the Washington Times that Florida’s program would pressure other state’s colleges to bring down their costs to compete.

“As more schools participate and offer more degrees, more students from across America will look to Florida for a college degree. Their decisions, in turn, will spur lawmakers and institutions in other states to try to win those students back, not with gimmicks, but by offering more affordable and competitive online degrees of their own. That’s the best way to solve the student debt crisis: not by bailing out students or bickering in Washington, but by unleashing the power of a true marketplace in higher education,” Bragdon wrote.

President Joe Biden wants to solve the soaring cost of college by canceling student loans.

Now Florida is going to be able to provide a conservative solution to the rising cost of college.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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